Serving the Local Redwood City Area.
(833) 595-3095
Gentle and Precise Upper Cervical Adjustments
Been to multiple doctors
Taken Prescriptions, X-rays, MRIs
Spent Countless Amounts of Money
Scoured the internet for hours
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Finding the Root Cause
Subluxation of the Neck
Private consultation with our specialist
Treatment tailored to your specific needs
Most find relief in a SINGLE pain-free adjustment
Effective alternative to prescription pills
Experience LASTING relief
Subluxation of the Neck
Private consultation with our specialist
Treatment tailored to your specific needs
Most find relief in a SINGLE pain-free adjustment
Effective alternative to prescription pills
Experience LASTING relief
Customer Reviews
In 2005 I was in a car accident which injured my neck. I was in severe pain, unable to sleep because my arms would go numb. I saw a neurologist for three months and got no relief. As a result, he wanted to put my neck in traction, and maybe surgery! A dear friend recommended Dr. Tsiglieris and within two weeks of him treating me I was free of the pain and numbness. In addition to being highly skilled, he is a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I have continued to go to him over the 15 years I have known him. I HIGHLY recommend him!!
Brenda G.
Dr. Pete's approach to patient care is amazing! I recommend him to my friends and coworkers, and they describe their experience as amazing! As a Wellness Practitioner, he demonstrates the true meaning of that title. My family is committed to his treatments because of his wellness approach to spinal care, nutritional advice, and gentle healing manner.
Mark F.
I first saw Dr. Pete when I was in a car accident 15 years ago and have completely recovered from the effects of the accident. I continue to see him 2-3 times a year to help keep me in balance before, during and after my various running events.
Arlene F.